Friday, March 14, 2008

Guess What?

Here's something we discovered.

Well, recently.. we just realised that the 'den of horror' is not the bathroom. Instead.. it's the kitchen.

Isn't it pretty?

Want to know what it is?

Try guessing...

Here's a clue/hint to help you out

It's cooked rice in case you're wondering.

So, found out what is the 'colourful thingy'? It's what you get if after you ate rice and never wash the rice cooker. Well, I was suppose to wash it but usually my housemate will take it out and soaked it in water. So, I took for granted my housemate cleaned it when I didn't saw it by the sink. Instead, imagine the horror we discovered when we tried to cook rice a few days later. Anyway, it's kinda pretty in a gross way ^^



At March 14, 2008 at 8:14 PM , Blogger yoke heng said...

Haha! I thought it'll be something maggots!!! (they really look like cooked rice if they aren't moving....)

At March 15, 2008 at 1:25 AM , Blogger OrangeClover said...

Mwahahaha... leftover rice is so pretty... *___*


At March 17, 2008 at 8:05 AM , Blogger Charlotte said...

OMG... you're killing my appetite for rice! Haha...


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